Important: if you are ordering more than one baton, you will complete the requested information, and then add to bag. At that point, you will then reenter any information for the second baton if it will be different from the first baton, and then click ADD MORE. If the second baton is the same as the first, simply click ADD MORE.
You will be asked what type of wood you want for the handle. You will then be asked the handle shape - you may refer to the two pictures to see which type of shapes are available. Next, you will be prompted for the total length of the baton. Each selection can be completed with a drop down menu. All four areas must be completed in order for you to complete your purchase.
You can refer to the pictures above for examples of handle shapes and wood types. Keep in mind that every piece of wood has a different look and grain, even between species. No duplicator is used to turn the handles, so there are always slight variations in shape details.
Graphite shaft batons are a combination of wood handles joined to a graphite shaft made especially for this application. These shafts are not fishing pole tips; rather, they are designed and built to exact thicknesses and tolerances specifically for conducting batons. The graphite is stronger and more durable than wood, and, while this kind of baton is favored by many teachers for their beginning students, it is also a material chosen by many professional conductors and teachers. Every graphite shaft is finished in glossy white and imbedded into the specified handle that is then finished in clear lacquer.
The two full baton pictures above show the teardrop graphite shaft batons - one made with Wenge and the other in figured Walnut with heartwood and sapwood. The other pictures are for shape and wood type only, and they are wood shaft batons.